Our Github: https://github.com/dremc/Marlin

Our Tree Naming Scheme:

Board Name - Printer Name - Additional Add-ons

Board Name:



E3Turbo (Discontinued) - Limit support as product has been discontinued by manufacturer


Printer Name:

Ender 3 (Applicable to all ender 3 version)

Ender 3 V2

Ender 5 / Pro 

Ender 5 Plus


BL (Bl Touch or CR Touch Enabled in firmware using dedicated header) (Unified Bed Leveling)

SF (Smart Bigtreetech Filament Sensor) [More Info]

DD (Micro Swiss direct drive configuration - increase esteps for dual drive extruder and reduce unload/load length)


By Default stock display will be used according to printer. 

Thermal Protection are all enabled (Set to 260 max temperature for hotend) (Bed depending on printer) 

PID Bed/Hotend is enabled

Assisted bed leveling is enabled

Baby Z stepping is enabled

Printer Counter (stats) is enabled

Unload/Reload is enabled.

Advanced Paused is enabled

Motor Monitor is enabled 

Linear Advance is enabled (Set to zero)

Re-Compiled Firmware (SKR MINI E3 V2.0):

CR-10 Mini [Stock - DD]: https://github.com/dremc/Marlin/releases/download/

Ender 5 Pro [BL - SF - DD]: https://github.com/dremc/Marlin/releases/download/

Note: Our E3 V3.0 kits include furrules and JST housing/terminals for repin for hotend fan. By default hotend fan will not turn on when hotend is below 50 degrees. We highly recommended you install furrules for all screw terminal connection and remove pretinning for some older machines.

Please note: provided firmware bin is provided as is and is tested on our machine or designed for machine which may have different hardware installed. We can only offer support to our existing customers, if you did not purchase from us please contact corresponding manufacturers or seller or assistance or we do have consulting fee. As per GPL, all marlin all our source configuration is available on our github above.

We recommended you download the latest configuration and verify configuration before compiling and flashing. 

You would need to install Visual Studio Code and enabled PlatformIO IDE from Extensions